17 SUNSET LAKE RD (Parrot's Rest)

Current Owners
Chris and Taylor Fincke
Previous Owners
Raymond C. Parrott and Doretta M. Parrott (1946-1992)
Dorothy J. Keesler (1941-1946)
Mary A. Hafeli (1932-1941)
Sarah Hart (1930-1932)
Celia Shapiro (1924-1930)
Lillian A. Rider (1921-1924)
Robert Rider (1920-1921)
William E. Hopkins (sold in 1920)
Fred and Becky (Parrott) Ames - July, 2009
There were many owners of the small camp just known as the second camp on the Sunset Lake Road until Raymond Parrott purchased it in 1946 and his wife carved a sign calling it "Parrott’s Rest." You can still see the parrott perched on the peak of the roof 63 years later although it has been repainted many times! Their four children have enjoyed the camp with their families over the years, coming from their homes in Franklin, Gilford, Hopkinton and Massachusetts. Now the grandchildren have joined in with another generation enjoying the swimming, boating and relaxation.
In 1992, Ray’s daughter Becky and husband Fred Ames became owners of the camp at 17 Sunset Lake Road but have not changed the name. We feel our time at the lake is not only about fun and relaxation but it’s also about friends and family. Many of us have been residents of Sunset Lake for many years and have seen our children grow to adulthood and return with their children.
We have been fortunate to have brother Charles and family next door and friend Sylvia Robbins just a few camps further down the road. There have been many new faces over the years, but we all wave a hello or good-bye when we meet on that narrow road.
Let’s hope that we all take care of our lake, the water and land, and leave it in good condition for future generations.