56 SUNSET LAKE RD (Littleport - Formerly: Lazy E, Eat ‘n’ Rest)

Current Owners
Previous Owners
Maxwell and Ruth Eaton (1936 - 1977)
Lura Hopkins, Nellie Heller, Leroy Hopkins (sold in 1936)
Essay by Dick Eaton, Summer 2008:
Fifty-six Sunset Lake Road (“Littleport”) was built by my father, Maxwell (“Ted”) Eaton, and a family friend, Chris W. Brauer (a building contractor), in 1936 on land purchased from Donald Hopkins of Greenfield, New Hampshire. It was used primarily as a summer residence by our family (father, “Ted,” mother, Ruth or “Dee”, sisters, Helen and Barbara and myself, Dick Eaton, plus various assorted aunts, uncles, cousins and other family members and friends)
The original cottage had neither running water nor “indoor facilities.” Now, however, we have an artesian well plus an indoor bathroom with shower. At one time, my parents called the cottage the “Lazy E” and later the “Eat ‘n’ Rest.”
I purchased the property from my father in 1977 and now live here year-round. My greatest enjoyment (in addition to the peace and quiet of Sunset Lake) is floating around the lake and sitting on my dock reading and relaxing.
(Note: The property across the road, Sunset Lodge, owned by the Draper family of Wilton, NH, was previously owned by Dr. Augustus Morgner of Fitchburg, Massachusetts and, prior to that, by Ernest and Sofonia Townsend of Peterborough, New Hampshire.)